mix and match bundle fast bundle

The “Mix & Match”: Fast Bundle’s new, comprehensive feature

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As you already know, there are various types of product bundling in our app. These bundling options give our merchants the freedom to design the products in whatever way they like and tailor the packages to their customer’s needs. Having this freedom means that you can present “all kinds of customers” with different, customizable bundle types. One of the most interesting features of Fast Bundle is the “Mix & Match” option. This customizable bundle type allows the buyer to select their products and reach a final bundle (the customer creates and then sees the bundle in their cart), meanwhile getting discounts. Now we have some news, a change for the better. Our two popular types “Product Mix & Match” and “Collection Mix & Match” are going through some changes, and becoming one. One comprehensive bundle type that covers both of them. Let’s read about the situation.

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Two of the most popular bundle types, what are they?

Remember there were two Mix & Match options available in the app:

  • Product Mix & Match: the customer can select some products in your shop, and then buy them as a bundle. As the merchant, you can set the products that the buyer can select from, and place a discount for it too.

  • Collection Mix & Match: in this one, you can provide some collections or categories for the customers to select from. For example, if you need to unload inventory and free up space, you can include last year’s T-shirt collection and then give the customers the option to create their bundles inside the T-shirt collection.

collection mix & match fast bundle

Now, these two are about to change and form into one “Mix & Match”. Let’s see what this new feature has in store for us.

What is the Mix & Match Bundle?

In the new app update, you will have all of the previous accessibility, gathered inside one bundle type. When you open the Fast Bundle app and click on “create new bundle”, instead of the two previous options (Product Mix & Match and Collection Mix & Match) you will see one new bundle type: “Mix & Match”. This type includes everything you could do in those, but in a new, straightforward way and easy to navigate environment. 

Click on “mix and match”, and enter your bundle-making page. You will see that there are two options in the beginning, each of them representing a different method of presenting the bundle to your customer: 

  • Products list: where you select a variety of products and set them for your customer to roam through and make their bundle.

mix and match bundle fast bundle products list

  • Sectioned list: the customer has the choice to select among one specified “section” of products. These sections are what you have set and made possible for bundling.

mix and match bundle fast bundle sectioned list

This new feature allows you to automate the mix and match bundles, while having the freedom to customize everything, from included products and bundle names, to discount details and display.

To further understand this new feature, see our new YouTube video.

How to Make Mix & Match Bundles with Fast Bundle?

Here is a step-by-step guide to get to know our new bundle type, “Mix & Match”:

  1. Open your shop on Shopify, and on the right side of your page select “Fast Bundle”.
  2. After going into the app, click on “Create new bundle”.
  3. Now you’ll go to a page that contains all of the bundle types. Scroll down and select “Mix & Match”.
  4. Now it’s time to select a structure for your bundle. Choose between the two options (learn what they are)
  5. Include the products you want, and set your desired amount of discount.
  6. After filling in all the fields, it’s time to save the bundle and let the customers see it with your own design.

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 Feel free to ask any questions and get instructions through our 24/7 support.

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