Start for free, Pay for your value

The leading bundle builder app. Pay based on your revenue.




$299 /mo

Up to $500 monthly bundle revenue

Empowering small businesses

Begin for free


All free features, plus:

$19 /mo

Up to $1,000
revenue from Fast Bundle

$49 /mo

Up to $3,000
revenue from Fast Bundle

$139 /mo

Up to $10,000
revenue from Fast Bundle


All free features, plus:


Limitless monthly bundle revenue

Elevating enterprises

Unlock premium power

Compare plans and features





Standard Bundle

Volume discount on selected products

Volume discount on all products

Volume discount on collections

Product add-on on specific products

Product add-on on collections

Product add-on on all products

Mix and match on collections

Mix and match on product list

Buy X get Y

Bundle as product (Combo products)

Frequently bought together on selected products

Frequently bought together on all products (Powered by AI)

Design customizations

24/7 support

Free setup session

No “Powered by Fast Bundle”

AI-generated title and description for bundle as products

Multilingual translation

Integration with subscription apps

Auto bundle detection in cart

Highest support priority

Onboarding with Account manager

Minor specialized customizations

Post-purchase order split for bundles

$19 /mo

Up to $1,000
revenue from Fast Bundle



$299 /mo

$299 /mo


Up to $500 monthly bundle revenue

Empowering small businesses

Begin for free


All free features, plus:

$19 /mo

$15 /mo

$180 /ye

Up to $1,000
revenue from Fast Bundle

$49 /mo


$468 /ye

Up to $3,000
revenue from Fast Bundle

$139 /mo

$115 /mo

$1,380 /ye

Up to $10,000
revenue from Fast Bundle


All free features, plus:

$299 /mo


$2,988 /ye

Limitless monthly bundle revenue

Elevating enterprises

Unlock premium power

Compare plans and features





Standard Bundle

Volume discount on selected products

Volume discount on all products

Volume discount on collections

Product add-on on specific products

Product add-on on collections

Product add-on on all products

Mix and match on collections

Mix and match on product list

Buy X get Y

Bundle as product (Combo products)

Frequently bought together on selected products

Frequently bought together on all products (Powered by AI)

Design customizations

24/7 support

Free setup session

No “Powered by Fast Bundle”

AI-generated title and description for bundle as products

Multilingual translation

Integration with subscription apps

Auto bundle detection in cart

Highest support priority

Onboarding with Account manager

Minor specialized customizations

Post-purchase order split for bundles

Can't choose which plan to go with?

Need a Custom Plan?

Let’s talk about a customized solution that tailored just for you.

Over 16,000 Shops Use Fast Bundle

Both industry giants and emerging startups laud Fast Bundle's innovative approach for boosting order value growth.